The World and Our Calling Lectures

The World and Our Calling Lectures series explores different facets of the Christian calling to be engaged with our culture. These lectures are intended to enable students and guests to know better and to relish the beauty of the cultural world, as it can be understood in relation to the redemptive presence of Jesus Christ.

The World and Our Calling Lectures are held annually on Redeemer’s campus.

Past Speakers

2025: Dr. Jonathan Askonas
Chapel Address: How to Find Your Calling
Evening Lecture: Christ or Barabbas? Christian Political Theology in a Post-Christian Society

2024: Dr. Fellipe do Vale
Chapel Address: God Wants Us to Love Rightly
Evening Lecture: Finding our Identities at the End of the World

2023: Dr. Daniel Lee Hill
Chapel Address: Making Peace in a Violent World
Evening Lecture: Reweaving the Social Fabric: William Still and Public Life

2020: Rev. Dr. Matthew Kaemingk
Chapel Address: The Hijab and the Nakedness of Christ
Evening Lecture: Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear

2019: Dr. Heath Carter
Chapel Address: Let Your Light Shine
Evening Lecture: Which Side Are You On? Christianity and Labour in an Age of Inequality

2018: Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson
Chapel Address: The Necessary Failure of Easter
Evening Lecture: Captain America vs. Flannery O’Connor: Heroes and Saints for Unholy Times

2017: Dr. Matthew Milliner
Chapel Address: There is One Spirit
Evening Lecture: Culture Breaking: The Image of God in an Image-Driven Age

2015: Dr. Reginald W. Bibby
Chapel Address: Challenge, Opportunity, Responsibility, and Creativity for Christians in Canada Today.
Evening  Lecture: The Future of Religion in Canada: What’s Needed from Christian Leaders

2014: Andy Crouch
Chapel Address: Becoming Culture Makers
Evening Lecture: Redeeming the Gift of Power

2013: Dr. Deborah Bowen (ARCU Lecturer)
Chapel Address: “Redemption through Reading”: Why Bother with the Liberal Arts and Sciences?
Evening Lecture: “Seeing Beyond the Scenery”: Dwelling in the World by Metaphor

2012: Dr. Peter J. Leithart
Chapel Address: And He Gave Thanks
Evening Lecture: Monsters of Ingratitude 

2011: Dr. Steven Garber
Chapel Address: Maturing in Christ to Bless His World
Evening  Lecture: Is It Possible to Know the World, and Still Love the World?

2010: Dr. James R. Payton, Jr. (ARIHE Lecturer)
Chapel Address: Calvin’s Motto
Evening Lecture: Calvin: Champion of Piety

2008: Dr. Marva J. Dawn
Chapel Address: COSMOS: The Nature of Our Gods
Evening Lecture: VOCATIO:  True Worship Every Second

2007: Dr. James K. A. Smith
Chapel Address: Desiring the Kingdom: We Are What We Love
Evening Lecture: A Christian University is for Lovers: Revisioning Christian Education