Student Parking

Any student living on campus who has a vehicle or a student who drives to school will need a parking permit. A parking permit for lots A, B and C (see map below) must be purchased online and your permit information will be on your OneCard. Without it, you will be required to pay the hourly/daily rate with a credit card to exit.

The parking lots in Calvin, Luther and Cranmer Court are only to be used by students living in those residences. Commuting students or students living in Augustine Hall or Charis must park in lots A, B and C.

Visitor Parking


City Buses

The City of Hamilton has an extensive bus system, the HSR (Hamilton Street Railway), which provides accessible transit to the city. Redeemer is on a major bus route (44) that runs on Garner Road with a stop in front of the campus. As well, the Meadowlands Bus Terminal (at Golf Links Road and Martindale Road, across from the Tim Hortons) is within walking distance (20 minutes). The HSR will run a regular shuttle service to the Meadowlands on Saturdays – schedule TBA.

The HSR schedule is linked to Google Maps. Enter the start and end points of your trip (place names often work, e.g. “Redeemer University”) and press the bus icon to access the schedule and a time. This can be used for planning future trips as date and time are options as well! Please note that the Redeemer Shuttle schedule is not included.

GO Transit

GO transit is a network of buses and trains that provide connections throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Visit for service areas and schedules. Redeemer students are eligible for a student discount card for GO transit. A paper application is required and is available from the Registrar’s Office. For information on the remaining steps, please see GO Transit Student Fares. Scroll down to bottom of the page for information on Redeemer (under “schools not listed above”).