Visitor Parking Information

A small visitor lot is available near the main office (the closest lot to Garner Road). Visitor parking is restricted to guests only. Vehicles may enter with a 15 minute grace period to exit if dropping something or someone off. After 15 minutes you will have to pay to exit. Approved visitors will be provided with validated parking so that they can exit without paying. 

Visitor Parking Rates

Rates are for the period September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025.

Hourly (weekdays, 5am to 5pm)$4$3$5
Flat rate (evenings, weekends, holidays)$5$4$6
Daily max/lost ticket/24 hour max$17$12$20
Parking fine$50$50$50

*Lot A prohibits overnight parking.

Faculty & Staff Parking Information

Please visit the Redeemer App for the latest parking information.