A study of the structure and function of cells as the fundamental building units of living organisms. Topics include, but are not restricted to the molecular constituents of cells, major cell organelles, endo/exocytosis, intracellular signaling, cell growth and metabolism, and special cell functions. Methods of investigation will be examined throughout the course and the development of hypotheses and theories will be placed in a historical and contemporary context. Includes a weekly three-hour lab. Materials fee applies.
Fundamentals of Biology II (BIO‑122);
Principles of Chemistry I (CHE‑121)
Fundamentals of Biology II
This course explores the broad branches of the tree of life and how organisms interact with each other and with the environment. The structure and function of representative species of bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals are examined in lecture and laboratory. Phylogeny and the theory of evolution are covered and discussed within a Christian framework. Includes a bi-weekly three-hour lab. Materials fee applies.
Principles of Chemistry I
An introduction to the major principles of chemistry that explain the reactions of elements and their compounds. Topics include the structure of matter, states of matter, ideal gases, stoichiometry, the chemistry of water, energy changes of chemical reactions, atomic orbitals and electron configurations, the periodic table, chemical bonding and models to predict the shapes of molecules. Includes a bi-weekly three-hour lab. Materials fee applies.