A study of the molecular and cellular events involved in the development of plants and animals. Emphasis is placed on certain model organisms and topics covered include oogenesis, spermatogenesis, fertilization, cleavage, morphogenesis, cell interactions, induction, cell differentiation, pattern formation, and sex determination. Includes a weekly three-hour lab. Materials fee applies.
Genetics (BIO‑261);
BIO-231 or 252
Discussion of the organization, replication, transmission, expression, and evolution of genetic materials. The course is organized around the levels of genes, chromosomes, organisms and populations. Topics include the expression, control and mutation of genes; the molecular organization and information coding; replication, repair, transmission and mutation of chromosomes; the relation between genes, genotype, phenotype and environment; and the genetic structure and variability of populations, including selection and speciation. Throughout the course methods of investigation will be explained. The structure and operation of genetics as a science will also receive attention. Includes a weekly three-hour lab. Materials fee applies.