A course in the moral dimensions of communication, with special attention given to working in communication and media professions. The course cultivates a Christian understanding of the topic through attention to theological and philosophical issues and through wrestling with a range of cases and controversies.
Introduction to Media and Communications
This course introduces students to the rise of mass media and communication and its impact and influence on modern society. Basic media forms and their function in society will be surveyed and students will develop a Christian perspective on media and its role in both the production and consumption of culture. Students will examine the application of a Reformed Christian worldview to understanding communication and communication-related vocations. The relationship between Christianity and professional communication, including professions in the media, will be discussed.
Introduction to Media and Communications (MCS‑121) Year 3 or 4 standing. MCS-302 is the Capstone Course for the MCS major and is required in the 3rd or 4th year.

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