Discover the strategic role of sales management and sales force management in effective marketing. Learn about the selling process, sales strategies and tactics, sales forecasts, time and territory management, and key account management. Learn how to recruit, select, train, lead, and evaluate performance of a sales force. Predict sales volume, cost, and profitability implications of your sales strategy.
Introduction to Marketing (BUS‑255);
Marketing Communications (BUS‑350)
Introduction to Marketing
Discover how organizations create value and connect with customers through relationships and technology. Examine market segmentation, select a target market, position a company in relation to the competition, analyze new product development and brand management strategies, and develop an effective marketing mix (e.g., product, place, promotion, pricing).
Marketing Communications
Create powerful and effective marketing campaigns that integrate a variety of media. Hone your skills by developing an integrated marketing communications plan for a client using appropriate advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations tools.