This course is designed to prepare students to teach the Bible (and other foci of the Christian faith) in various ministry contexts. The course examines how different genres of Scripture require different hermeneutical and pedagogical methods. The course maps a path for education for life through a conversation with critical pedagogy as seen through the lens of the Kingdom of God.
Theological Interpretation of the Bible
An introduction to the theological reading and interpretative practices of reading Scripture. This course involves a survey of biblical interpretation and the variety of methodologies that have been used to study Scripture.
Theological Interpretation of the Bible (REL‑201);
Foundations of Mission and Ministry I
This course examines biblical and theological foundations for missions and ministry, historical developments in the theory and practice of missions, and issues pertaining to the contextualization of the gospel in the Western and global church.
Foundations of Mission and Ministry I (REL‑253)

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