The Story of the Chedoke Watershed
Thursday March 31, 2016

The Hamilton Spectator Auditorium, 44 Frid St, Hamilton, ON

Explore the history of Hamilton’s Chedoke watershed and the current challenges of pollution through the perspectives of story, science and service

Over the past decades, significant efforts have gone into restoring Cootes Paradise to its original wetland, in hopes that plants, fish, birds and other wildlife may thrive and flourish. But Cootes Paradise still suffers from the stress of pollution. The Chedoke watershed is polluted as it drains through urban Hamilton into Cootes Paradise.

Hear the rest of the Chedoke watershed story on March 31 as told by:

Event Partners

Chedoke event partner logos


Thank you to Local History & Archives at the Hamilton Public Library, Stewards of Cootes Watershed and the Royal Botanical Gardens for their partnership!