Wednesday March 7, 2018

On Campus

Posted in Academics, Support Community

On March 7, Redeemer celebrates the launch of its newest academic program: Urban and Intercultural Ministry.

Dr. Glenn Smith — Executive Director of Christian Direction in Montréal and professor of urban theology and missiology at university faculties in Montréal and Haiti — will be the guest speaker for the event.

Chapel Address: “A Call to Urban Ministry”

Smith will speak at Redeemer’s chapel service at 11:00 a.m. about the importance of ministry, going beyond the student’s educational experience.

In what ways can Christians participate in what God is doing in urban centres?

Kick-off Reception

Immediately after the chapel service, there will be a kick-off reception to publicly announce the launch in the Commons. Refreshments provided.

Panel Discussion: “Urban Intercultural Ministry for Today’s Cities”

At 2:00 p.m., there will be a panel discussion with local ministry leaders moderated by Dr. Ken Herfst. This is open to all. Co-sponsored by Resonate Global Mission.

Dr. Glenn Smith

Dr. Glenn Smith is the Executive Director of Christian Direction in Montréal (1983-present) — a multi-faceted ministry committed to seeing God transform urban communities by the concerted actions of committed Christians in the cities of the Francophone world. He is also Professor of Urban Theology and Missiology at two Protestant faculties in Montréal and at the Université chrétienne du Nord d’Haïti. He occasionally teaches in Europe and Africa.

Dr. Smith has chaired and been a member of multiple boards for non-profit organizations related to his work and expertise in urban ministry. Also in this area, Dr. Smith has authored and co-authored several books, articles, and a Bible study. He, along with his family, are actively involved in pastoral ministry with a francophone church in Montréal, Québec.