Mute Eloquence of Light: arctic works
Monday January 27, 2025 - Thursday March 27, 2025

Redeemer University
777 Garner Road East Ancaster ON L9K 1J4
Redeemer Art Gallery

While walking the land, I am the pen on the paper; while drawing this map,
my pen is myself walking the land… [to try to] keep faith with reality.
Tim Robinson

Mute Eloquence of Light: arctic works by artist Janet Read consist of abstract paintings on linen and panels in oil and acrylic and hybrid drawings/paintings on duralar. This body of work began with travels in the high arctic in 2018 and a return in the fall of 2023. Using improvisation and spontaneous mark making, Read visualizes the processes of wind and water as internally mediated personal experiences of the high arctic in Canada and the Greenland west coast. These works extend earlier themes initiated by residencies in Newfoundland and western Ireland.

Join the Redeemer Art Gallery for an opening reception on Thursday, January 30, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Janet Read is a painter, musician, poet, and music educator, whose childhood was spent near Lake Simcoe. The artist has sought the water’s edge ever since. Her roots go back to the Ottawa Valley Irish, Belfast, and county Wexford in Ireland: explaining a fondness for fiddle music, poetry, and the sea. Read studied graduate philosophy and education at the University of Toronto. Art studies at York and OCADU inform her practice of large-scale paintings, book works, works on duralar and photo installation. She has had exhibitions in commercial and public galleries, hospitals, and in public and private collections.

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