Dr. Lisa Devall-Martin

Assistant Professor of Education

Phone: (905) 648-2131   Ext:4440

Email: ldevall-martin@redeemer.ca

Programs: Education


Ed.D. (2017), Entrepreneurial Leadership in Education, Johns Hopkins University, School of Education, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Dissertation: School Administrators’ Insight and Self-reflection: An Exploration of the Influence of Expressive Writing and the Lumina Spark© Inventory on Self-awareness

B.Ed. (2007), Education, Charles Sturt University, Burlington, ON, Canada

MA (1994), Music Performance, McGill University, Montreal, QC

B.Mus. (1990), Music Performance (Academic Gold Medal), Western University, London, ON, Canada.


  • Multicultural Education in Global Context (PJI) (EDU-323)
  • Social Foundations and Introduction to Teaching (EDU-303)
  • Engaging Literacy in the Primary Grades (PJ) (EDU-421)
  • Engaging Literacy in the Junior Grades (PJ) (EDU-422)
  • Development and Learning (EDU-301)
  • Engaging Literacy in the Junior Grades (JI) (EDU-423)
  • Engaging Literacy in the Intermediate Grades (JI) (EDU-424)
  • Professional Teaching Seminar and Reflective Practice (EDU-488)


Lisa Devall-Martin’s enthusiasm as a faculty member in Redeemer University’s School of Education stems from her expertise as an elementary school teacher and school administrator in Ontario, Canada. Her expertise was developed over two decades in the public education system while completing her doctoral research at Johns Hopkins University in entrepreneurial leadership in education. Locally, as a university professor, she is committed to ensuring her teaching is innovative through purposefully designed transformative learning experiences based on the most recent research in education. Lisa’s passion to disrupt poverty through education is evident in her local commitment to Ray of Hope (Kitchener, Ontario). Globally, Lisa develops collaborative global partnerships in education as the president of Education-4-Change (Somali Region, Ethiopia) to address a variety of barriers prohibiting girls and youth from attending school. In addition, she is a strong advocate for sustainable soul-care as a pathway to Christian educators’ holistic well-being. Lisa’s research, presentations, and writing cover a variety of topics including emotional labour in teaching, pedagogical innovation, educational leadership, and comparative and international education. In her spare time, Lisa loves walking with her dogs (Sherlock and Watson), cooking for her family, and writing/reading in many forms.

Research Interests

  • Exploring educators’ identity, and professional capacity-building; specifically, emotional labour in education 
  • Elementary pre-service teacher preparation, professional development, and scholarship
  • Global equitable access to education; comparative and international education research

Research Publications

Ross, N., Birch, H., Devall-Martin, L., Schilke, M.K., Kim, G., Thompson, L., Draper, M., and Henry, V. (2024, Submitted manuscript). Women writing with purpose: A worship liturgy for inspiring academic research and productivity in an affinity space, Christian Higher Education, Taylor Francis.

Devall-Martin, L. & McHolm, S. (2024). Building Bridges Between Policy and Praxis: A Comparative and Environmental Scan of Inclusive Education in Ethiopia and Canada. Exceptionality Education International, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.5206/eei.v34i1.16799

Devall-Martin, L. (2024). Sparking Pre-service Teachers’ Self-Awareness through a Strengths-Based Psychometric Tool: A Pilot Study in a Christian University. International Christian Community of Teacher Educators Journal, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.55221/1932-7846.1330

Lee Sinden, J. & Devall-Martin, L. (2024). Emotions Are Not in the Way, They Are the Way: Abolishing Unhealthy Beliefs about Emotion and Cultivating the Spiritual–Emotional Development of Athletes. Religions 15(270). https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15030270

Book Reviews

Devall-Martin, L. (2022). Review of Leadership for inclusive schools; Real cases from real leaders to engage principals in professional learning for supporting students with special education needs. Sider, S. & K. Maich. (2022). International Christian Community of Teacher Educators Journal, 17(1).

Expert Commentary

Sider, S. & Maich, K. (2022). Leadership for inclusive schools: Real cases from real leaders to engage principals in professional learning for supporting students with special education needs. Rowman and Littlefield.

Conference Contributions

[principle presenter] Devall-Martin, L. Imago Dei Praxis: A Transformative Truth Celebrating “We Teach Who We Are” (P/J). Edvance Annual Gathering, Redeemer University, (2024, October).

[principle presenter] Devall-Martin, L. Imago Dei Praxis: A Transformative Truth Celebrating “We Teach Who We Are” (J/I).  Edvance Annual Gathering, Redeemer University, (2024, October).

[principle presenter – full day seminar] Devall-Martin, L. Imago Dei Praxis: Celebrating “We Teach Through the Lumina Spark© Experience. Invited by Edvance Annual Gathering, Redeemer University, (2024, October).

[principle presenter] Devall-Martin, L. (2024, August). Research in Trends Impacting Public School Leaders. Invited by Edvance Leadership Team for Retreat.

[principle presenter] Devall-Martin, L. (2024, August). Research in Trends Impacting Public School Leaders. Invited by Edvance Leadership Retreat.

[co-author] Devall-Martin, L., & McHolm, S. (2024, June). Building Bridges Between Policy and Praxis: An environmental and policy scan of inclusive education in Ethiopia at CSSE Conference – Comparative and International Education, Montréal, QC. Paper accepted for presentation.

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2024, May). Imago Dei Praxis: Gaining insights into the transformative relevance and value of Lumina Spark© Experience with pre-service teachers in a Christian university. International Christian Community of Teachers Education (ICCTE), Gordon College, Wenham, MA. Harro Van Brummelen Scholarship 2022 presentation.

[discussion chair] Devall-Martin, L. (2024, May). Imago Dei Praxis: Why does it matter in teacher education? Chaired roundtable discussion during the International Christian Community of Teacher Educators (ICCTE) conference, Gordon College, Wenham, MA.

[co-author] Devall-Martin, L., Ross, N., Kim, G., [principal author] Devall-Martin, L. (2022, May)Birch, H., & Draper, M. (2024, March). EmpowerHER: A Collaborative Journey in Faith-centered Research and Writing to Promote Leadership. Paper research presented at Advancing Women in Leadership through the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU – Taylor University).

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (May, 2022). Saving Face: Moving Beyond Overextended School Leadership. Paper virtually presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Annual Congress.

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2022, May). Sparking School Administrators’ Self-awareness: A Purposeful Innovation Leading to Understanding Imago Dei and Meaningful Transformation. Paper presented at  the meeting of the International Christian Community of Teachers Education (ICCTE). George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, US.

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2022, May). Emotional Labour in Teaching: Support for a Reality Check in the  Profession. Research presented at  the meeting of the International Christian Community of Teachers Education (ICCTE). George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, US.  

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2022, June). Leading in a Time of Crisis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference through invitation of Commonwealth Council of Education Administration and Management (CCEAM).

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2019, January). Well-being through Wordles: Ontario School Administrators’  Self-awareness Increases Through Expressive Writing. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI), Stavanger, Norway.  

[principle author] Devall-Martin, L. (2019. January). Saving Face: Moving beyond overextended school leadership. Innovation session presented at the meeting of the International Congress of School Effectiveness and  Improvement (ICSEI), Stavanger, Norway. 

Research Grants and Awards

[co-researcher] Devall-Martin, L., McHolm, S., & Gebrewold, A.T. Erasing the Stigma for Good: A Social Behaviour Change Communication Strategy, Education 4 Change/USAID/Research Triangle Institute Project, Somali Region, Ethiopia. (2024-2026; In progress)

[Recipient] Harro Van Brummelen Memorial Scholarship (2022). Awarded by The International Christian Community of Teacher Educators (ICCTE).

[Recipient] 1997/98 Award in Teaching Excellence at Western University, London, ON 

[Recipient] 1990 Bachelor of Music (Honours) – Academic Gold Medal at Western University, London, ON

Media Appearances

Faculty Profile: Academics, Resound, 2022.

Professional Engagements

Guest Lecturer: Teachers as Learners in a School Culture. Presented at Wilfrid Laurier University,  Waterloo, ON (2018, May)

Professional Development Series: Administrator Mentorship Programming: The Framework and  Impact at the Waterloo Region District School Board, Waterloo, ON (2018, April) 

Professional Development Series: Building Leadership Development Systems: Valuing Diversity.  Elmhurst Inn & Spa, Ingersoll, ON (2018, March)

Presentation: Leadership Development: Strengths-based Training for Optimal Well-being and Engagement at Waterloo Region District School Board, Waterloo, ON (2017, November). 

Presentation: LuminaSpark© Leadership Development Tool at the Waterloo Region District School  Board Leadership Steering Committee, Waterloo, ON (2017, October

Guest Lecturer: Teachers as Learners in a School Culture at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo,  ON (2017, October)  

Presentation: School Administrators’ Insight and Self-reflection: Can it be measured? Lumina  Learning Canada Conference, Old Mill, Toronto, ON and Laurentian Senior Public School, Kitchen er, ON. (2017, September)

Certification: Lumina Learning Canada – Lumina Spark Practitioner, Port Perry, ON (February  2015) 

Expert Panel Guest: Designing Effective Interventions. Panel Participant Doctoral  Students at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. (2016, August)

Expert Panel Guest: Doctoral Expectations and Strategies for Success. Panel Participant Doctoral Students at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.(2015, August)

Professional Affiliations

Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE)
Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE)
Centre for Leading Research in Education (CLiRE: Wilfrid Laurier University)
Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIES)
International Christian Community for Teacher Educators (ICCTE)

Board Service

Institute for Christian Studies (ICS): Research Ethics Board (REB; 2021-24)
Ray of Hope: Board Director (2019-2022)
Education for Change: President (2017-Present)