
Marta Lummack

Adjunct Lecturer of Psychology

Phone: (905) 648-2139   Ext: 4249


Office: 219L

Programs: Psychology


M.A. (2008), Developmental Psychology and Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Thesis: Assessing Teachers’ Perspectives on ADHD

B.A., Hons. (2006), Psychology, McMaster University


  • Personality (PSY-315)
  • Principles of Learning and Behaviour Modification (PSY-334)
  • Introduction to Psychology: General and Experimental Psychology (PSY-121)
  • Positive Psychology (PSY-339)


Marta Lummack is a adjunct lecturer of Psychology at Redeemer University where she has taught since Fall 2022. Prior to Redeemer, Marta was a full time faculty member of the Department of Psychology at Vanier College in Montreal for 11 years, where she developed and taught a wide range of courses in psychology including: introductory, developmental, research methods, statistics, relationships and communication in healthcare settings. Teaching is Marta’s passion and she finds purpose inspiring students to fall in love with learning and helping develop student potential. Marta enjoys applying psychological research in academic settings to improve students well-being and academic success. Prior to teaching psychology, Marta worked as an Autism Spectrum Disorders specialist for regional school boards, building educator capacity for meeting the needs of students on the spectrum. During her young adulthood, she loved experiencing natural beauty and other cultures through backpacking Latin America and Southeast Asia. Today she is a wife and mother of three children and her adventures involve walking her dog, hiking, camping and road trips with her family. 

Research Interests

  • Human development 
  • Educational psychology 
  • ADHD
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders