2017: Van der Meer, J. M. “Is There a Created Order for Cosmic Evolution in the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd?” In: The Future of Creation Order – Vol. 1, Philosophical, Scientific, and Religious Perspectives on Order and Emergence, Gerrit Glas and Jeroen de Ridder eds. Springer Verlag, pp. 171-202.
2014: Van der Meer, J. M. “European Calvinists and the Study of Nature: Some Historical Patterns and Problems,” in: Calvinism and the Making of the European Mind (Gijsbert van den Brink & Harro Höpfl, eds.), Brill Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: 2014, pp. 103-130.
2011: Van der Meer, J. M. “Stratified Cosmic Order: Distinguishing Parts, Wholes, and Levels of Organization” In: Navarro, Jaume. Science and Faith within Reason: Reality, Creation, Life and Design. Farnham, Surrey, UK. Burlington, VT, USA. Ashgate. 2011, pp. 145-164.
2008: Van der Meer, J. M. “Georges Cuvier and the Use of Scripture in Geology,” in: Van der Meer, J.M., Mandelbrote, S. (Eds.) Nature and Scripture: History of a Dialogue. Vol. 2. Leiden / Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. 2008, pp. 115-144.
2008: Van der Meer, J. M., Oosterhoff, R. “God, Scripture, and the Rise of Modern Science (1200-1700): Notes in the Margin of Harrison’s Hypothesis,” in: Van der Meer, J.M., Mandelbrote, S. (Eds.) Nature and Scripture: History of a Dialogue. Vol. 1. Leiden / Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. 2008, pp. 363-396.
2007: Van der Meer, J. M. “Theodosius Dobzhansky: Nothing in Evolution Makes Sense Except in the Light of Religion.” In: Nicolaas Rupke (ed.), Eminent Lives in Twentieth-Century Science and Religion. Franfurt.Berlin.Brussels.New York.Oxford.Vienna: Peter Lang, 2007, pp. 79-101.
2006: Van der Meer, J. M. (2006) “Reading Nature in the Light of Scripture: the Case of Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)” In: The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History. pp. 181-193 (Eds. K. van Berkel, A. Vanderjagt). Peeters. Leuven, Belgium.
2005: Van der Meer, J. M. “De Biologie van Moreel Gedrag: Een Keuze Uit Feiten en Ficties,” In: (C. Dekker, R. W. J. Meester & R. van Woudenberg, eds.) Schitterend Ongeluk of Sporen van Ontwerp: Over Toeval en Doelgerichtheid in de Evolutie. Ten Have. Baarn, pp. 235-254. [“The Biological basis of Morality. A Selection of Facts and Fictions.” In: Splendid Accident or Traces of Design: On Randomness and Purposefulness in Evolution.]
2001: Van der Meer, J. M. “Interpreting Nature and Scripture: A New Proposal for their Interaction.” In: Christianity and the Human Body: A Theology of the Human Body. eds. Robert Brungs, SJ and Marianne Postiglione, RSM, The ITEST Faith/Science Press: St. Louis, Missouri. Pages 38-72.
2000: Van der Meer, J.M. (2000) “The Actor in the Interaction of Science and Religion. An Application of Dooyeweerd’s Anthropology to the Study of Religion and Science Relations.” In: D.F.M. Strauss (editor). The Collected Works of Herman Dooyeweerd Series C-Dooyeweerds Living Legacy, Volume 1: Contemporary Reflections on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. Pp. 183-194. The Edwin Mellin Press. Lewiston.