How do we solve complex problems faithfully in an age of AI and big data?
Explore the stimulating world of mathematics as you find, represent, apply and verify numerical and spatial patterns. Develop strong techniques for solving problems and exploring theorems in the context of mathematics’ historical, cultural and philosophical influences as you unfold the potential of creation and can stand in awe of our Creator as you discover the order and patterns within our world.
Mathematics is a Bachelor of Science degree program. It is offered as an honours major, as a major and as a minor.
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Right from the start, small class sizes allow for meaningful class discussion, lead by professors who are actively researching in the field and are excited to include students in their work.
Your first-year courses focus on the basic concepts of calculus and its applications. Additional courses in physics discuss the calculus-based study of the physical world with hands-on time in the labs to better understand specific topics related to mechanics, wave motion, thermodynamics and more
The Core Curriculum is a set of 10 courses that every student takes. The courses are woven through every major and get you to think deeply and broadly about what you’re studying. Think about it this way…
In your classes, you will develop good techniques for solving problems and proving theorems in the classroom, alongside expert professors who are actively researching in the field. Courses like Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Modern Geometry and Mathematical Biology provide students with a detailed understanding of the major fields of mathematics and prepare them for a broad spectrum of applied mathematics positions.
Work alongside one of your professors by helping them to solve open research problems. Student research positions and courses with a lab component allow for plenty of hands-on experiences for students.
NSERC student research positions have often resulted in students co-authoring articles with their professors published in mathematics journals.
contributes to the design of control systems for locomotives in his career as an engineering support specialist.
used her education in math to become a math and physics teacher. Her time at Redeemer helped her understand how to integrate her faith into her teaching of math.
Take that first step and experience Redeemer’s one-of-a-kind community like never before. Visiting campus is the best way to figure out if Redeemer is the right fit for you.
New friendships, priceless memories, spiritual growth, character formation and your future career await.
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