A Grand Opening for the Charis Centre
The Charis Live and Learn Centre comprises student residences and learning spaces that will help to accommodate significant enrolment growth, and provide an education that integrates faith and encompasses all of life and learning.
2 min. read
April 1, 2022

President Dr. David Zietsma was joined by representatives from all levels of government, Redeemer’s board of governors and student senate to celebrate the grand opening of the Charis Live and Learn Centre.

The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and MP for Hamilton West – Ancaster – Dundas, Sandy Shaw, MPP for Hamilton West – Ancaster – Dundas, Donna Skelly, MPP for Flamborough – Glanbrook, Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Hamilton City Councillor Lloyd Ferguson brought greetings for the historic celebration. Redeemer’s board of governors vice chair Gina Taylor and student senate interim president Melissa Goossen also added their congratulations.

“We’re excited to celebrate this significant milestone in Redeemer’s history and see this modern facility become a vibrant part of campus,” says Zietsma. “The Charis Live and Learn Centre will accommodate Redeemer’s enrolment growth over the coming years supporting the unique, communal residence experience that enhances students’ educational development by shaping them spiritually, emotionally and interpersonally. The classrooms and breakout spaces on the lower level make the building a true centre of living and learning.”

The makeup and location of the building, a key tactic of Learn. Forward. Redeemer’s 2025 Strategic Plan, flow directly out of Redeemer’s mission to provide an education that integrates faith and encompasses all of life and learning. The new facility has 170 beds in two-, four-, six-, and eight-student units, each with kitchens and common space, as well as classrooms and breakout rooms on the lower level. The centre will also encompass the new Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship complete with a makerspace.

Redeemer’s generous support community has been vital in the development of the facility, having already contributed $11.3 million. Construction began in August 2020 and students began living and learning in the building this past January.

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