A Week of Giving Thanks
Redeemer’s annual Gratitude Project makes time to be thankful for what God is doing through Christian education and its faithful supporters.
1 min. read
February 7, 2020

It is good to give thanks. The psalmist writes: we should give thanks with all of our hearts and tell of God’s wonderful deeds! (Psalm 9:1) It’s in this spirit that Redeemer set aside time this February to show gratitude for the work God is doing, made possible in large part through generous donors who give annually and those who gave to the Re Campaign, the most successful in Redeemer’s history! That campaign is complete and we praise God for what he has done and what he continues to do through Redeemer and it’s faithful support community.

Students, staff and faculty took time to celebrate and thank God for his provision through the Gratitude project, an annual, week-long celebration on campus from February 3 to 7. On Monday, students had the opportunity to have their photos taken and write thank you letters to donors. On Wednesday, Redeemer held a special chapel service about seeing Jesus through generous communities. A reception in the commons followed that dovetailed with a special luncheon for donors to the Re Campaign.

“Without the faithful gifts of a generous support community, a Christian university education in Ontario would not be possible for many students,” said Dr. Robert Graham, president of Redeemer. “Gratitude Week provides an important opportunity for Redeemer to say thank you. Thank you for making Christian university education possible. Thank you for helping equip the next generation of students to transform culture and communities through their careers and callings.” 

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