University inauguration ceremonies are formal events that are steeped in traditions that go back hundreds of years. Although Dr. Krygsman was appointed by the Board of Governors in February, and began his duties at Redeemer in June, this ceremony, which includes contributions by the Redeemer community, the greater Hamilton area, and academia at large, gives a formal mark to the beginning of his tenure. Most importantly, the ceremony gives the Redeemer community the opportunity to come together and celebrate the blessings the Lord has provided for us in a new president. There are three components to the presidential inauguration. The first is the investiture, in which the Board of Governors invests the president with the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of his position. The second, the inaugural address, is the president’s opportunity to speak to the members and friends of Redeemer University College. The third is the opportunity for greetings and congratulations from academic and civic leaders. Dr. Krygsman’s address, based on John 15: 5 and 11, was entitled “Educating for Joy.” In his address, Dr. Krygsman reflected on the purpose and meaning of the university, especially the Christian university, in an increasingly fragmented time. Over the years, he noted, the academy has become increasingly utilitarian, focusing on specific streams of instruction and training for technical expertise and career success. However, Dr. Krygsman countered that at its heart, places like Redeemer need to remain centred on discipleship, transforming us more and more into the image of Christ and our true humanity. He noted that learning in the light of God’s Word, which is being pursued intentionally at Redeemer and many other Christian colleges, leads to a growing maturity that recognizes Christ’s Lordship in each and every discipline. It is the impetus behind “Discover All Things in Him,” which Redeemer has been using as a tagline. After the address, Dr. Krygsman received greetings from several people representing many different academic and community organizations. Dr. Patrick Deane, the newly-appointed President and Vice-Chancellor of McMaster University, welcomed Dr. Krygsman and noted that both are new to their offices and to Hamilton. He is looking forward to working with Dr. Krygsman as they both transition into their new roles. Scores of universities and colleges were represented at the Inauguration, and Dr. Krygsman expressed his appreciation for their contribution to the event.