It was a celebration 30 years in the making. Amongst more than 200 friends, supporters and civic leaders, Redeemer University College took time at the end of this anniversary year to give thanks for its history and commit to its future. Rev. Dr. Henry R. De Bolster, Redeemer’s founding President, welcomed guests to the GalaAll three of Redeemer’s presidents—Founding President Emeritus Rev. Dr. Henry R. De Bolster, President Emeritus Dr. Justin D. Cooper, and current President Dr. Hubert R. Krygsman—were present. Among the guests were Mr. David Sweet, MP for Redeemer’s riding of Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale, The Honourable Ted McMeekin, Minister, Community and Social Services, His Worship, Mr. Bob Bratina, Mayor of the City of Hamilton, and Redeemer’s Ward 12 Councillor Mr. Lloyd Ferguson. Each leader brought greetings. Lorna Dueck, creator, host and executive producer of Listen Up TV, was the guest speaker for the evening. One of the most influential Christian voices in Canadian media, Ms Dueck, spoke about the significance of Redeemer and its mission. Although young and small compared to other universities in North America, she highlighted a number of ways that Redeemer, its students and its graduates were having an impact on the communities in which they live, work and study. Ms Dueck quoted from Andrew Crouch’s latest book, “Culture Making,” and that theme was picked up by Dr. Krygsman in his remarks. He noted that Redeemer students are called to be not just culture changers, but culture makers, to be a witness for Christ’s Lordship in a wider world. “Working with the church and other organizations,” Dr. Krygsman said, “Redeemer’s goal is to provide the learning and discipleship that will enable our next generation to become followers of Jesus and to be His hands and feet in our world today and in the years to come.” How Redeemer does that will likely be different in the next 30 years than it was in its first 30 years, and Dr. Krygsman outlined a number of key initiatives that the university will pursue in the coming years as it continues to develop its mission. Those include: expanding Redeemer’s impact to a broader community; expanding avenues of academic leadership; increasing our engagement with community partners; developing a holistic and experiential approach teaching and learning; and expanding the infrastructure to meet those needs. The complete text of Dr. Krygsman’s speech can be found here. The Gala gave the entire Redeemer community the chance to celebrate, as Rev. De Bolster noted, “the great things that the LORD has done.” It was also an opportunity for Redeemer to say thanks to that community for the faithful and generous support it has provided throughout Redeemer’s history. Dr. Cooper closed the evening by pointing out that there were many alumni who were present at the dinner. “These graduates are having an impact in their workplaces, labs, classrooms, businesses and churches in local communities and around the world,” he said. “They are a testament to what Redeemer stands for, and it gives me great hope, not just for its future, but for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.”