Have you noticed there have been a lot of changes lately? Redeemer UNIVERSITY, for starters. I’m so incredibly proud of this name, and I know you are too. A new Provost and Vice President, Academic – congratulations, Dr. Zietsma! And, of course, I am now a mama to a beautiful baby boy! I know I’m biased, but the last change is my favourite. We truly are so grateful to God for the positive changes he brings in our lives. He is faithful and He is with us. Have you experienced significant changes this year? Perhaps a new job, or a new baby as well? We would love to celebrate those things with you. You can let us know by completing the “Milestones” section at the bottom of our alumni update form, and the Alumni Office will send a congratulatory card or small gift.
There is one more change coming for me, and that is that my time on Alumni Council is coming to an end at the end of May. I have enjoyed being your president for almost 4 years now, and I am so proud of the opportunity to have represented and served Redeemer alumni over this time. I will remain a champion of our alumni and will always encourage you to get involved and stay connected to Redeemer. It’s worth it. And it’s important. I encourage you if you are looking for a way to make a positive impact on alumni, apply to be on Alumni Council. Aside from being an invaluable voice for alumni and providing feedback on alumni related programs and services, Council is also responsible for key programs, such as the Distinguished Alumni Award (nominations for 2020 are now open! Please nominate an exceptional alum), the distribution of the Alumni Award Fund to current students, and developing alumni reunions, to name a few.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, the alumni and the Redeemer community these past 4 years and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the future.
Kristel Forcier ‘06