Storm Water Management Pond being Installed
Landscape at front of campus being reshaped
2 min. read
August 8, 2011

Anyone driving on Garner Road past the south face of Redeemer’s campus could be excused for thinking that Redeemer must be installing a swimming pool. Unfortunately, the reason behind the major earth-moving work is not nearly as exciting, although it is just as important. The front or Redeemer ‘s property is being reshaped to allow the expansion of the storm water management pond. This pond, similar to the one at the back (north) end of the campus along Stonehenge Drive, is part of an overall plan for the area to prevent flooding during severe storms by collecting and holding storm water run-off. The pond modification and expansion at the front of the property is required by the City of Hamilton as part of the development of a new housing development immediately to the west of Redeemer’s campus, on the lands of what was the Bruzas farm at 713 Garner. Redeemer is developing that land in cooperation with Starward Homes. Redeemer has worked with Starward in the past when they purchased and developed the northwest corner of the campus, and that relationship has been beneficial to Redeemer. This will also not affect Redeemer’s expenses: “The cost of the stormwater pond construction is being completely covered by the development,” notes Alfred Mazereeuw, Redeemer’s Director of Physical Plant and Security. The pile of fill that sits in front of the Academic Building will form a clay liner that will help seal the pond. The existing top soil at the pond site will be stripped away and, after the clay liner is in place, will be re-placed to allow the necessary plantings for growth in the re-shaped pond. Once complete — likely by the end of September — the pond will be naturalized as much as possible, giving plants and animals a new home and the front of the campus an exciting new look. There are no plans, however, to hang a swinging tire from a nearby tree and turn it into a swimming hole.

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