Dr. Kenneth Anyomi recently joined
Redeemer as an assistant professor
of biology. He’s a vegetation transition scholar who has experienced firsthand how life can
change when God is at the centre.
Two science students conducted research using PCR technology as part of Undergraduate Student Research Awards this summer, supported by NSERC and Redeemer.
By spearheading a campus-wide composting initiative at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Justin Eisinga ’15 is able to combine his two great passions: theology and environmental...
As part of a year-long water quality study in Hamilton’s Chedoke Creek, student Masozi Palata is using DNA analysis to identify the source of fecal contamination in the watershed.
The Science Research Fellowship, which allowed high school students to contribute to university-level research with Redeemer faculty, was a major success.
This summer, Redeemer continues to invest in experience-enhanced learning by offering a one-week intensive science research fellowship for high school students.
Environmental studies student Julia de Jong '18 credits her internship at Au Sable Environmental Institute as the spark for her passion for environmental education
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