Health Sciences – Professional

The work of Redeemer’s Pascal Centre is being remembered and meticulously preserved through an archival and oral history project.
Two new Redeemer faculty members discuss integrating faith and learning.
As part of a year-long water quality study in Hamilton’s Chedoke Creek, student Masozi Palata is using DNA analysis to identify the source of fecal contamination in the watershed.
The Science Research Fellowship, which allowed high school students to contribute to university-level research with Redeemer faculty, was a major success.
$400,000 in donations dedicated to a new pathology research lab, a new aquatic toxicology lab, a renewed chemistry lab and an expanded human kinetics lab
This summer, Redeemer continues to invest in experience-enhanced learning by offering a one-week intensive science research fellowship for high school students.
With pre-medicine and professional streams, the Health Sciences program is preparing students for the ever-expanding health-care field.
Katelyn Miller '12 accepted a position in primary care on Manitoulin Island.

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