
With funding from a 2016-17 Zylstra grant, Dr. David Beldman has published two books, and is writing a third, that unpack the book of Judges for postmodern Christians.
Dr. Christina Belcher explores how the educational world and the virtual world interact with each other.
With the 2017-18 Zylstra grants, Redeemer faculty bring Christian influence to bear the history of secularization and pollution in local watersheds.
Dr. Kevin Flatt aims to change how we understand the history of secularization.
Redeemer is on the frontlines of an international movement to produce research from a Christian perspective.
NSERC Discovery Grants to be invested in original research in the natural sciences and mathematics
Why do religious youth tend to avoid negative behaviours? Shaping desires may more important than the resistance of temptations, Redeemer researcher theorizes.
The Book of Judges and contemporary Christianity.
Exploring the role of physical activity in healthy aging
Dr. Robert Joustra on the Biblical roots of the United Nations.
A short summary of the November scholarly accomplishments of Redeemer faculty
Emeritus professor of history is one of the key contributors to a new series of Kuyper books and digital resources
Associate Professor of Biology Joel Klinck awarded $39,100 grant to assess effects of waste water from sewage treatment plants on endangered mussels

Resound is Redeemer University’s online, multi-faceted publishing hub for the wide variety of stories coming out of Redeemer year-round. It is also offered in a print edition.