Welcome to Resound: Making Waves
Welcome to Resound—Redeemer’s new multichannel, content-sharing platform.
1 min. read
October 2, 2016

Welcome to Resound—Redeemer’s new multichannel, content-sharing platform. The digital and print version of Resound will replace our former flagship magazine Tangents. We’re excited to continue to share stories with you. We’re bringing the best of Redeemer’s established editorial brand and integrating it with the latest in digital communication.

There are so many factors to consider when making a change as big as a relaunch. We are thankful for the feedback we received from faculty, staff and alumni during our relaunch process. There were more than 100 new names suggested!

“On our print and digital channels, Redeemer’s overarching story—our mission—resounds.”

From those 100 ideas, we narrowed it down to one name that would best reflect Redeemer’s mission and weave together our community’s stories. We chose Resound. On our print and digital channels, Redeemer’s overarching story—our mission—resounds. The influence of Redeemer’s graduates echoes out into their communities, their churches and our culture. The ripple effects of God’s kingdom are in the lines of each story we tell, from the profiles of faculty printed on the pages of this magazine to the student achievements we celebrate in web stories and email newsletters.

We invite you to join us as we celebrate the amazing work God is doing through Redeemer and its graduates. We hope you’ll connect with us not only through the magazine but through the year at www.redeemer.ca/resound.

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Resound is Redeemer University’s online, multi-faceted publishing hub for the wide variety of stories coming out of Redeemer year-round. It is also offered in a print edition.