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Redeemer University
Strategic Plan 2025


Kingdom-centred, innovative graduates making a profound impact in a rapidly changing, complex, and digital world.

To accomplish this vision we will:

  1. Deepen the holistic approach to life and learning with distinctly Reformed Christian scholarship, woven through a Christ-centred curriculum and integrated into a spiritually vibrant in-person and virtual campus life.
  2. Prepare students to be innovative, problem-solving critical thinkers who reflect the love and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their careers, churches, homes, and communities.
  3. Expand degrees and programs that connect real-world learning opportunities to transformative, flexible classroom experiences on a contemporary, sustainable campus.
  4. Foster a culture of care, collaboration, and trust that supports a healthy, passionate, and connected community of Christian higher education professionals.
Four Key
Key Strategy1

Increase Reformed Christian Worldview Integration

Redeemer’s academic mission as a Christian university is centred around Christ’s lordship and his comprehensive redemptive work in all areas of life and learning. Enhancing the integration and translation of the Reformed worldview across the curriculum and campus life will deepen faith formation, elevate worship, and better prepare students to exercise their God-given talents and abilities in the full range of life’s careers, callings, and communities.

Key Strategy1

Initiative One

Strengthened Reformed Worldview Development for Staff & Faculty

Develop new faculty and staff orientations with introductions to Redeemer’s Reformed Christian mission and heritage   completed
Produce “What does it mean to be Reformed?” video series for adjunct faculty   completed   and web page for the general public   completed
Launch new annual Faculty Conference in May in addition to existing Faculty Conference in late August   completed

Initiative Two

Enhanced Core Program

Hire two new Core faculty and logistical support staff for external engagement   completed
Conduct internal review   completed   including exploration of emerging social and workplace virtual norms from a Reformed Christian perspective   completed

Initiative Three

Extended Reformed Christian Scholarship

Launch Faculty Fellows program to guide Reformed research and mentor new faculty   completed
Increase worldview events/​forums/​webinars — Run one academic event for each of three discipline areas, per year, hosted by Faculty Fellows   completed
Incentivize perspectival research through grants, awards and financial support (e.g. funded sabbaticals)   completed
Support “foundational” Reformed research projects beyond Redeemer through the Wolters Centre   completed

Initiative Four

Institutional Rebrand

Redesign the university and varsity brands to reflect a relevant and valuable Reformed Christian university education   completed
Renew and rebrand bookstore as a campus and online retail space that specializes in materials with a Reformed perspective   completed
Key Strategy2

Innovate for Student and Graduate Success

Redeemer will prepare students to be innovative, collaborative, problem-solving critical thinkers. These skills will enable them to follow their callings into all areas of life where they will seek to serve Jesus Christ for the sake of His world, in their careers, communities, churches and homes. In a rapidly changing, complex, digital world, Redeemer graduates must be ready intellectually, spiritually, socially, and technologically to fill the opportunities of the marketplace and meet the needs of an increasingly virtual society.

Key Strategy2

Initiative One

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Launch Innovation Centre to infuse design-thinking, hands-on creativity and entrepreneurship practices throughout the curriculum   completed
Establish The Makerspace and Collaboration Hub in lower level of Charis as a technologically flexible breakout space for the all classrooms in Charis and the Innovation Centre   completed

Initiative Two

Academic Success Plan

Establish mentorship and business startup incubator programs for students and graduates   completed

Initiative Three

Student Life Integration Plan

Expand chaplaincy program to deepen integration of curriculum and spiritual life   completed
Establish student Wellness Centre on campus combining physical and mental health supports staffed by Nurse Practitioner and Mental Health Case Manager   completed

Initiative Four

New and Improved Degree Programs and Accreditations

Pursue charter changes for name change and new degree-granting authority   completed
Launch new degrees - BBA; B.Kin. B.CoMS, B.HSc.   completed   and explore additional opportunities granted by 2020 charter change   ongoing
Expand kingdom impact by exploring graduate degrees and non-traditional programs and delivery models. Launched Certificate in Not-for-Profit Management and Church Leadership Microcredentials. completed
Key Strategy3

Invest in Contemporary, Sustainable Facilities

Welcoming more students into a relevant university education that prepares tomorrow’s Christian leaders requires a flexible, contemporary campus with smart facilities. As Redeemer grows, changes to the campus master plan envision a relational academic community that is walkable, bike-friendly and has a thriving centre that includes inviting indoor and outdoor gathering spaces. In an ever-evolving Canadian higher education context, God calls us to be wise stewards. Planning for financial and environmental sustainability are therefore of critical importance to the long-term health and viability of the university’s academic mission.

Key Strategy3

Initiative One

Renewal and Reconfiguration of Campus

Renovate the main academic building (Founders Hall) for better use of space, lifespan and aesthetics:

Upgrade Auditorium   completed
Renovate existing residences   completed
Renewal and expansion of the Dining Hall and Refresh   completed
Reconfiguration of the main office area and front entrance   completed
Invest in campus-wide zoom room technology (fast-tracked by the pandemic), including flexible furniture in some classrooms   completed
Rework parking, roads and main entrance to funnel majority of vehicle traffic away from the interior of campus; upgrade lots with paving, lighting, terminals/gates and electric-vehicle charge stations   completed
Maintenance shop expansion along with north entrance refresh   completed
Updating hallways, office, and classrooms with new carpet and fresh paint.   ongoing

Initiative Two

New Mixed-Use Facilities

Build Charis Live and Learn Centre reflecting Redeemer’s whole life academic mission with student residences and classroom space zoom room technology   completed
Key Strategy4

Foster a Healthy Workplace Culture

People are the lifeblood of an institution and a Christian workplace should be an example of one of the best, most rewarding places to work. A healthy community that nourishes and develops individuals is vital for success — particularly in a period of renewal and growth. The community must be equipped to thrive on and off campus, digitally and face to face. Intentional effort into building such a workplace culture will position Redeemer’s faculty and staff to flourish and engage creatively and energetically in the mission of Christian university education.

Key Strategy4

Initiative One

Investment in Human Resources

Create and fill positions in Human Resources   completed to support institution-wide HR planning and support including development or improvement of:
  • Annual Reward and Recognition program   completed
  • Recruitment and compensation processes and strategy   Completed
  • New hire orientation program   completed
  • Manager and Leadership Training Program   completed
  • Enhanced performance appraisal process   completed
  • Bi-annual employee engagement surveys   completed
  • Remote-work policies, guide, Q&A, and training   completed

Initiative Two

Improved Internal Communication and Awareness

Launch Respectful Campus Initiative to ensure that all who choose to be part of the Redeemer community are treated with love, dignity and respect
  • External review of policies, increase clarity about institutional identity, improve reporting processes   completed
  • Update of the Personal Respect policy; a review of the reporting process and development of enhanced training for personal respect advisors   completed
  • Implement training for students and employees concerning respectful engagement across differences   In progress
  • Complete summary report on the respectful campus survey   Scheduled 2025
Identify, develop, publish and promote institutional core values that characterize the Redeemer community   completed
Increase regular communication for effective internal connection between leadership, faculty and staff   completed
Develop and launch KPI dashboard with measures (KPIs) regarding institutional performance and forecasting for effective internal connection between leadership, faculty and staff   completed
Update mission and vision language to ensure clear and wide understanding of the university’s purpose.   completed
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