New Residence and
Learning Facility

Anticipated enrolment growth has led to the construction of a new facility that will provide contemporary, relevant and community-minded living and learning spaces in support of Redeemer’s academic mission. It is set to be completed by September 2021.

Exterior Virtual Tour

About this Project

The Building

A key initiative of Learn. Forward., the building’s makeup and location flow directly out of Redeemer’s mission to provide an education that integrates faith and encompasses all of life and learning. Beginning with Redeemer’s unique, communal-living residence model, the new facility will have 170 beds in two-, four-, six-, and eight-student units, each of which will include kitchens and common space for students to share meals and foster relationships. Classrooms and breakout rooms will make up the lower level, making this a true live and learn facility.

The Location

The placement of the new building was chosen to support and enhance a residential, Christian university education where learning happens in community. The building will be situated northwest of, and close to, the academic building and the first set of townhouse residences to keep the campus walkable and bike-friendly.

The Campus Vision

The strategic placement of the building is part of a larger vision that includes a new entrance into campus from Garner Road east of the academic building as well as new parking and paving to help direct vehicle traffic away from expanded pedestrian walkways, opening up the heart of campus and creating more inviting places for students to gather.


The new facility also contributes to the financial and environmental sustainability of the university. Student housing generates revenue for operations beyond maintaining the building and the close location and multi-purpose nature of the building requires less infrastructure while maximizing the use of the building.

What will it look like?

View the latest videos, still renderings, and flyovers of the building.

Exterior Renderings
Interior Renderings

Dig Deeper

Watch videos from a number of staff, faculty, students and contractors explain how this new residence and learning facility will allow Redeemer to grow and better fulfill our vision.

David Zietsma

Provost & Vice-President, Academic

We're super excited about the new residence and learning facility that's currently being constructed on campus. It's going to be the space and place where we disciple a generation of students who are ready to go out and reflect the hope and love of Jesus Christ in their careers and callings wherever they go.

Ed Bosveld

Vice-President of Administration & Finance

The long-term vision is to see a campus that's more friendly to pedestrians, offers more opportunities for people to gather together and where the heart of the campus is based on people and community.

Glen Reinders

Architect at Reinders + Law Ltd.

Not only is this building supporting the students that will live in it, but it will support activities of the residential community and the academic community that Redeemer has today.

Kevin Johnson

Dean of Students

There’s just something about the residence experience, living in community and learning in community, that just changes people. And that’s what this project is all about, transformation in Christ.

Megan Andrews

Residence Life Staff

Because of my own lived experience with an inauthentic community but then also an authentic community, where things are okay to not be okay, with that experience and how rich it is, I’m so excited that Redeemer is also investing in the community here at Redeemer with the new residence that they're building for students

Leanna Nightingale

Alumni Association President, Class of 2018

When I was at Redeemer, the residences were used as a place to gather, have deep conversation and grow in community together. In a similar way, classroom spaces were for learning and connecting our faith to the discipline we studied. I pray that this new building may be used for the same type of growth that I and I know many alumni have experienced throughout the years. May God continue to bless the work of Redeemer for his glory

Liza Davis

Board Member & Parent

It's such an exciting time to see the construction start for this new building. Not only will it house more students, but it gives us room for extra classrooms and community space for activities to happen for students.

Allison Nirula

Class of 2023

I’m really excited for the new residence at Redeemer because it means that there's more space for students to stay, which is something that I really enjoyed during my first year and now into my second year. I loved living with a group of girls who all valued the same Christ-centred education that I did, and that's something that really helped me to grow in my faith throughout my first year.

Jordyn Sutherland

Class of 2022

My favourite part about Redeemer's communal living was the sense of community and the fact that I had a place to really grow in my faith with others.

Kyra Schat

Class of 2022

I’m really excited about this residence facility project because I think it serves as further evidence of our school's commitment to growing as an incredibly supportive community that loves what is going on on this campus and of God's continued faithful love and provision for our school.

Xariah Chase

Class of 2024

It's just awesome to see how Redeemer is constantly wanting to grow and expand, and I think the really exciting thing about the new residence is that more people will be able to experience this unique community here at Redeemer.

Groundbreaking Ceremony

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