Mental Health Recommendations Released
3 min. read
May 25, 2023

Redeemer’s Mental Health Task Force has completed its Mental Health Recommendations Report, which makes key recommendations to the university for establishing a comprehensive mental health and well-being strategy that is student-informed and Scripturally based, attending to the diverse needs of Redeemer’s student population along a continuum of care.

The task force was commissioned in December 2022 after the tragic death of Bekett Noble, a fourth-year psychology student. Its purpose was to provide recommendations to expedite mental health initiatives already underway and facilitate additional investments. 

The task force was composed of staff and faculty. A special student advisory group was also established by the President’s Office to provide input to the task force. The advisory group included representation from the student government, as well as members of underrepresented student groups on campus.

The overarching findings of the report are subdivided into five key recommendations:

  1. Developing a vision of mental health that is consistent with Redeemer’s mission and identity.
  2. Ongoing assessment and dialogue regarding mental health needs in order to facilitate student-informed care.
  3. Creating a service delivery model that includes a continuum of care to meet the broad range of needs
  4. Enhancing specific services and supports that are informed by a continuum of care.
  5. Communicating mental health resources, supports and services clearly and strategically with relevant groups and stakeholders.

Redeemer is a private university that is committed to the expression of its Reformed Christian identity in living and learning. In serving those who choose to be part of this community, the task force recommendations reflect the university’s efforts to express its Christian identity in ways that are caring and compassionate, reaching across differences with a posture of gaining an understanding of the complexity of the diverse lived experiences of Redeemer’s community.

“I am deeply grateful to the members of the task force for the professionalism of this report,” said president Dr. David Zietsma. “As a leadership team we are committed to planning for the operationalization of these recommendations. This report will become the basis that will guide the work of Redeemer’s efforts in the area of mental health over the coming years as we seek to continue to express our Reformed Christian identity in ways that are caring and compassionate.”

While it will take several years to implement all of the recommendations, the university has committed to spending $1 million over the coming five years to enhance mental health support and services.

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