This spring, we are excited to announce the Re campaign in support of the Redeemer 2020 strategic plan. While remaining rooted in the Reformed Christian tradition through Christ-centred liberal arts and sciences education, we are executing a vital plan of renewal on three fronts: academic programs, institutional profile and resource management. The 2020 plan is focused on ensuring that Redeemer’s mission is relevant and impactful.
What will the campaign support? Here’s a reminder of some of our key initiatives:
Launched on March 2, the Redeemer Centre for Experiential Learning and Careers (CELC) helps students connect their sense of calling with a career through co-ops, internships, workshops and individualized career guidance. Our goal is to triple the number of programs with co-op opportunities and ensure experiential learning options in every program.
The Media and Communication Studies program is well into its second year, and this past September we launched a new Core curriculum with courses emphasizing interdisciplinarity and digital awareness. Next year, we plan to launch a revamped Ministry program. A new Urban and Intercultural Ministry major will prepare the next generation of urban and overseas ministry leaders for our communities, ministry organizations and churches.
Through Redeemer’s Centre for Christian Scholarship, we are increasing the impact of research from a Christian perspective. This past fall, the Beyond Worldview lecture series took a closer look at the most prevalent force for shaping our culture today: the media. From first-person shooter video games to zombie apocalypse films, we challenged each other and the audience to reconsider the ways we can live out our calling as culture-makers in the digital age.
“Our goal is to double Redeemer’s market brand awareness by 2020.”
This past September, Redeemer welcomed 206 incoming students, a 2.5 per cent increase in incoming students and the first year-over-year increase in four years. With the launch of a new website and a robust content marketing strategy, highlighted by the recent launch of Resound, more young Christians are hearing about Redeemer as an exciting, viable choice for their higher education. Our goal is to double Redeemer’s market brand awareness by 2020.
We are working hard to keep tuition affordable by maintaining balanced budgets and reducing Redeemer’s long-term debt. Our goal by 2020 is to reduce our debt to $15 million down from $33 million in 2009, and, by doing so, secure Redeemer’s financial position for the next generation. And we are getting close. By the end of this fiscal year, our debt will be down to approximately $20 million.
The Re campaign will provide the funding to launch strategic initiatives with momentum and ensure they are sustainable over the long term. We hope this campaign ignites the passion and support that will enable Redeemer to continue preparing tomorrow’s Christian leaders.