Support Community

New Street Christian Reformed Church gives generous financial gift to Redeemer, concluding 70 years of faithful service.
On April 8, 2022, Harry Voortman, a long-time supporter of the Redeemer community, passed away. His death came just 16 days after the passing of his beloved wife, Anne. Voortman was known for his...
Second-year business student Olivia Snyder expresses deep gratitude for her Redeemer education.
Redeemer’s annual Gratitude Project makes time to be thankful for what God is doing through Christian education and its faithful supporters.
The 2020 Strategic Plan funded by the Re Campaign strengthened the university’s mission and brought Christian higher education within reach.
Redeemer rolls out a new tuition and fee structure that includes a 42 per cent reduction in tuition for Canadian undergrads.
The successful finish of the 35-day alumni challenge marks a milestone in Redeemer University College’s largest fundraising campaign.
This February, the Redeemer campus celebrated donors' generosity.

Resound is Redeemer University’s online, multi-faceted publishing hub for the wide variety of stories coming out of Redeemer year-round. It is also offered in a print edition.