
Renew Initiatives

New Core Curriculum

The new Core maintains the interdisciplinarity of the liberal arts and science program, addresses today’s digital and globalized world and places Christ at the centre of the students’ learning experience.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

New Media and Communication Studies Program

The new Media and Communication Studies program aims to prepare students to interact in a hyper-mediated world where digital technology and media are increasingly linked, deepening the need for Christians who are equipped to engage, critique and create.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

New Urban and Intercultural Ministry Program

Redeemer’s new Urban and Intercultural Ministry program prepares students for leadership and service in the ministry settings of today and the changing context of tomorrow, answering Christ’s call to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

New Centre for Experiential Learning and Careers

The Centre for Experiential Learning and Careers (CELC) will connect a student's sense of calling with intentional career exploration and planning past graduation.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

Retell Initiatives

The Centre for Christian Scholarship

The Centre fosters new ideas and works to put Redeemer’s researchers at the forefront of public conversation, building Redeemer’s academic reputation and shaping expert Christian voices for the public conversation.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

Integrated Marketing Strategy

The Integrated Marketing Strategy have laid the foundation for stronger engagement with current students, prospects and supporters.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded

Resound Initiatives

Debt Reduction

A reduction in interest expenses on long-term debt frees up capital to invest back into the university — keeping the academic program relevant and tuition affordable.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded