
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Col. 1:17)

In a world where technology is changing rapidly, cultural values are shifting and higher education is viewed as job training, the need is greater than ever for a university education that is boldly Christ-centred and that asks deeper questions.

Around us, society treats faith as a private matter and careers as the path to self-fulfilment. Redeemer stands for something different. We educate university students to understand a complex global world, to think critically from a Kingdom perspective and to follow Christ’s calling in ways that transform communities and culture. Redeemer’s education is centred on the whole person: body and mind, heart and soul.

None of this is new. It emerges from the Reformed tradition that is foundational to Redeemer’s mission. The world needs engaged citizens in all areas of life who can bring diverse perspectives to the complex questions we face. It needs people who can do that while reflecting the love and hope of Jesus Christ.


RE is a $20 million campaign that will enable Redeemer to continue developing tomorrow’s Christian leaders. The prefix “re” means once more. As we move forward, we look back to Redeemer’s founding mission, which holds semper reformanda (always reforming) as its maxim. Redeemer is founded on the belief that Christ came to redeem the world and has promised to restore it. Every square inch of God’s creation cries out to be made whole once more. We are deeply invested in the work of reforming — restoring — our world in Christ.

The Re Campaign will fund the Redeemer 2020 Strategic Plan and its three major priorities: renewing the academic program, raising the profile and securing a stable financial foundation. Together these priorities strengthen the impact of Redeemer’s mission, ensuring that it is revitalized for today’s world.

As a publicly-chartered but privately-funded Christian university, Redeemer relies on faithful supporters, parents and alumni who share a vision for Christian university education rooted in the Reformed tradition. As you read through this case statement, I ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting the Re Campaign. Together, we can secure that same vision for the next generation.


David Zietsma
Vice President, External Relations and Enrolment