Debt Reduction


Reducing Redeemer’s long-term debt is central to securing a strong financial future. Since 2009, with the help of generous supporters, significant progress has been made. Redeemer has worked toward sustainability by stewarding the operating budget.

A reduction in interest expenses on long-term debt frees up capital to invest back into the university — keeping the academic program relevant and tuition affordable. With your help, Christian high school students will continue to see Redeemer as a desirable and realistic post-secondary option.

Initiative Progress

Fully Funded
"We are working hard to reduce our long term debt so that we can keep tuition affordable and to free up resources to be able to invest in areas that will meet future student needs."

Fred Verwoerd

Interim President


Read Leaders Worth Following Story

Leaders Worth Following

Education strengthens the minds but also reaches the hearts of students. Redeemer fosters teacher candidates’ competency — and their character.

Read Serving Culture's Front Lines Story

Serving Culture's Front Lines

Redeemer integrates faith and learning—that has always made us unique. With the 2020 plan, we're confidently moving forward while staying true to the heart of who we are.

Read Tomorrow's Christian Health-Care Leaders Story

Tomorrow's Christian Health-Care Leaders

With pre-medicine and professional streams, the Health Sciences program is preparing students for the ever-expanding health-care field.