Executive Summary of Review of Sociology/Social Work Program (Fall 2015)

After completing a two-part self-study, the Department of Sociology/Social Work was reviewed by a committee consisting of two external members and one internal member not associated with the department. In addition to reviewing the self-study, related documents, and the results of an email survey of students and alumni, the committee conducted an on-site visit which included meeting with full-time faculty and various members of Redeemer’s administration.

In its report, the external review committee concluded that the Sociology/Social Work (Soc/SW) Program is an attractive post-secondary option for students desiring to integrate their faith with an interest in social justice, community engagement and preparation for a career in a helping profession. The department’s specific strengths include outstanding faculty who provide a supportive and caring learning environment and a well-designed curriculum with numerous program options that include experiential learning opportunities. The emphasis placed on writing skills, critical thinking, and presentation skills effectively prepares students for graduate programs, professional programs, and the working world.

The review committee recommended that the department re-evaluate its present form as a hybrid of sociology and social work, reconsider whether it should pursue accreditation for its social workstream, streamline the curriculum of the sociology stream and the social workstream, and revamp the social workstream in preparation for possible accreditation.