The mission of Learning Services is to provide a variety of flexible and innovative services and programs that foster academic success and promote the development of independent and active learners.

Academic Success
The increased academic challenge of university requires students to upgrade their study skills and focus their efforts. To help in this process, Learning Services at Redeemer University offers students the following assistance:
- Study Smart Seminars: Seminars are available in-person and on-demand in video format and are designed to help students upgrade their skills in areas such as goal setting, time management, taking lecture notes, text reading, exam preparation, and essay writing.
- Tutoring: Writing tutors and subject tutors are available FREE for all Redeemer students.
- Learning Skills Resources: Strategies, hints, and research about a mix of important topics that are important to academic success
- Students can also meet with the Learning Strategist or Academic Success Manager.
- The Learning Strategist is available to provide academic coaching to any student. Coaching focuses on goal setting, upgrading learning skills, and choosing strategies that will help students meet their goals.
- Academic Success Manager is available to meet one-on-one with students to discuss their academic concerns and provide academic support or guidance to students by identifying obstacles affecting students’ learning, teaching diverse studying strategies and learning skills, developing success plans, providing regular accountability, and coordinating with other services on campus as necessary.
Accessible Learning
Redeemer University offers support and encouragement to allow students with disabilities to have equitable access to their education through academic accommodations. Additionally, Learning Services offers support and resources for related skill development.
Who We Support
We support students with documented disabilities assessed by a third party professional in the following areas:
- Learning disabilities (recent Psycho-educational assessment required)
- Attention deficit disorders (recent Psycho-educational assessment required)
- Vision disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Hearing disabilities
- Medical disabilities
- Mental health disabilities
- Chronic health conditions
- Acquired brain injury
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Temporary disabilities (medical/physical, mental health)
How do I receive academic accommodations at Redeemer?
Step 1: Register with Accessible Learning in the Accessible Information Management Platform (AIM)
This process is for students with a permanent, prolonged, persistent or temporary disability who are seeking academic accommodations through Accessible Learning at Redeemer University. New students have access to AIM via the admitted student portal in the checklist.
Note: You will be asked, within the initial registration process to upload your current/relevant (within 3 to 5 years using adult scales/measures) documentation. Please be sure to do this so we can best serve you. This step needs to be completed in order for us to continue with your application.
Additionally, if documentation is in process of being obtained then interim accommodations can be discussed (you can still complete the Accessible Learning – Academic Accommodation Request Form).
Step 2: Set up a meeting with Accessible Learning to discuss your accommodations by emailing
Academic Accommodations
Accessible Learning works with students to provide academic accommodations. Reasonable academic accommodations address the limitations experienced by students with disabilities to allow them to meet the learning outcomes of a course or program of study without resulting in undue hardship to the university. Due to the differences between the academic environments, students may not be given the same form of accommodation that they received previously (e.g. while in high school or college).
If you have any questions, please contact