Redeemer University offers different non-degree programs through occasional studies and auditing privileges.

Occasional Studies

An occasional student is someone who takes one course per term but is not admitted to a degree program and does not have a university degree.

To be considered for this status, you must have fulfilled the requirements for mature student admission or be a secondary school graduate who gives evidence of the potential to complete undergraduate university courses successfully. You may apply courses taken by occasional study to the degree program if you decide to pursue part-time or full-time studies.

A student who is in the last or next to last term of secondary school may also be considered for this status, provided that he or she has an 80% average or above in advanced level or Grade 12 U courses, the permission of the principal, and he or she is not using the course(s) for the completion of secondary school requirements.

Students may take up to 10 courses as an occasional student. After 10 courses, students must apply to the degree program to continue studies.

Auditing Privileges

Occasional students may participate in one or more courses as auditors and fees for auditing will be charged as outlined in the Academic Calendar. An auditor is expected to attend all classes and may submit papers and take tests. However, it is expected that an auditor will learn mainly by listening. When a course is audited, it appears on the student’s transcript with “AU” recorded in place of the grade.

To request to audit a course, please fill in the occasional studies application.