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Yes! Our Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number is: 12331 3660 RR0001
Yes! Gifts to Redeemer qualify for a charitable giving receipt. All gifts are acknowledged promptly, and receipts for personal donations can be issued right away or at the end of the calendar year. Please let us know your preference. **For international donors, a receipt can be provided; however, please consult your local tax agency to discern whether Canadian charitable tax receipts are accepted in your country.
Yes! We can help you set up a convenient, regular payment schedule from your bank account or credit card. Please contact us for more information.
Redeemer University is an Accredited Member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (“CCCC”) and abides with the CCCC Standards of Accountability and the CCCC stewardship policy relating to the control and distribution of charitable contributions.
Yes! Please contact us to share your intentions so that we can ensure your donation is allocated appropriately.
**Please note: Spending of funds is confined to approved programs and projects. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in an approved program or project, Redeemer will honour that restriction with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined during the current fiscal year, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed in the University in the same year or in a future period.
No. All donor information is held in the strictest confidence.
If you would like to designate your gift toward paying tuition for a specific student, please contact financialaid@redeemer.ca. Please note that funds directly paying for an individual’s fees including tuition, residence or other mandatory expenses are not eligible for charitable tax receipts.
Yes! By doing so, you will receive a charitable receipt for the cash value of the policy and for the premiums you pay.
Yes! Gifts of appreciated securities are an excellent way to make a significant donation without incurring tax on capital gains. Your charitable tax receipt is calculated on the value of the shares when they are transferred to a brokerage account, held in Redeemer’s name. The shares are sold immediately to realize a cash donation to Redeemer. Please contact DonorRelations@Redeemer.ca to receive our Transfer Form for your advisor.
Gifts-in-Kind, including artwork, personal effects, or property, may be donated to Redeemer but must be accepted for use in an approved program or for a priority project. Please contact us directly for specific details.