Dr. Murray Stiller

Professor of Media and Communication Studies

Email: mstiller@redeemer.ca

Programs: Media Production, Media and Communication Studies


Ph.D. (2015), Media Communication (summa cum-laude)
European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland.
Dissertation: Sound In Cinema (distributed by Atropos Press)

M.A. (2008), Fine Arts
Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
Dissertation: Nailin’ It to the Church: Religious Satire and the Gospel According to The Wittenburg Door, feature documentary film (distributed by Crown Entertainment).

B.A. (1991) History, Trinity Western University


  • Introduction to Media Production (MCS-101)
  • Motion Picture Production (MCS-201)
  • Advanced Motion Picture Production (MCS-301)
  • The Art of Editing Motion Pictures (MCS-225)
  • Senior Thesis (MCS-495)
  • Screenwriting (MCS-231)
  • Documentaries (MCS-326)
  • Content for the Digital Age (MCS-332)
  • Internship in Media Production I (MCS-380)


Murray Stiller came to Redeemer University with over twenty years of experience teaching post-secondary filmmaking, working in the Canadian film industry, and with a career as an independent filmmaker. He completed his PhD in 2015 at the European Graduate School in Switzerland, studying with notable Continental philosophers and filmmakers. Murray’s filmography is extensive as a director, producer, screenwriter, editor, and, most notably, as the sound designer for the Academy Award winning film, The Vermeers. Before accepting a visiting professor in 2018 and full-time frofessor position at Redeemer in 2020, Murray was the Director of the Bosa Centre for Film and Animation at Capilano University in Vancouver, British Columbia. He continues to work extensively with organizations and businesses, often employing student interns, and travelling around the world to film, teach, and offer filmmaking workshops.