Ph.D. (2013), International Relations, University of Bath
Dissertation: The Religious Problem in Religious Freedom: Why International Theory Needs Political Theology
Supervisors: Dr. Scott Thomas and Dr. Adrian Hyde-Price
M.A. (2007), Globalization Studies, McMaster University (Hamilton)
Thesis: The Lullaby of Argus Panoptes: Toward a Cosmological Conversation on Universal Human Rights
Supervisor: Dr. Marshall Beier
B.A. (2005 with distinction), Honours History, Political Science. Redeemer University College
Senior Thesis: “The Tatar Yoke: An Historiographical Inquiry into the Mongol Impact on the Russian State”
- Introduction to Politics & International Studies (POL-121)
- Introduction to International Relations (POL-208)
- Canada and the World (POL-210)
- Introduction to International Political Economy (POL-215)
- Current Issues in Politics & International Studies (POL-301/401 (Capstone))
- Comparative Global Politics & Religion (POL-318)
- The United States as a World Power (HIS-439)
Robert Joustra is Professor of Politics & International Studies (POLIS). He is author, co-author, and co-editor, of a number of books, including:
- With Eric Patterson, Power Politics and Moral Order: Three Generations of Christian Realism – A Reader (Wipf&Stock, 2022)
- With Jessica R. Joustra, Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures (Intervarsity Press Academic, 2022)
- With Mariano Barbato and Dennis Hoover, Modern Papal Diplomacy and Social teaching in World Affairs (Routledge, 2019)
- The Religious Problem with Religious Freedom: Why Foreign Policy Needs Political Theology (Routledge, 2017).
- With Alissa Wilkinson, How to Survive the Apocalypse: Zombies, Cylons, Faith, and Politics at the End of the World (Eerdmans, 2015).
- With Jordan Ballor (Editors), The Church’s Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice (Christian Library Press, 2015).
- With Kevin R. den Dulk, The Church and Religious Persecution (Calvin College Press, 2015).
- With Jonathan Chaplin (Editors), God and Global Order: The Power of Religion in American Foreign Policy (Baylor University Press, 2010).
He is also an editorial fellow at The Review of Faith & International Affairs, and his commentary and opinions appear periodically in The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post, The National Post and elsewhere.
Dr. Joustra’s books