
Dr. Mark Lambert

Adjunct Professor in Physics and Mathematics


Programs: Mathematics


Ph.D. (1992), Physical Chemistry, York University

M.Sc. (1985), York University

B.Sc. Hon. (1983),  York University

M.Div. (1982), Biblical Studies, Central Baptist Seminary

B.Sc. (1981), Chemistry, York University


  • Physics for the Life Sciences (PHY-115)
  • Physics I: Newtonian Mechanics (PHY-121)
  • Statistics (MAT-215)
  • Differential Equations (MAT-231)


Dr. Lambert has been involved in teaching Physics and Math at Redeemer since 2005 and more recently as an adjunct professor since 2015. God gave him a love of learning about His world and His word which resulted in a research career in physical chemistry, missions in Kenya, teaching at several schools including Redeemer, and being a pastor. Along the journey, his wife and him have raised 5 children and are now enjoying being grandparents.

Research Interests

Both Genesis 1 and the Standard Physics Theory of Cosmology agree that light was an important feature of our early universe, and Psalm 19 refers to the knowledge revealed by light. Our research lab used  Laser light as a tool to investigate breaking apart of molecules, collisions with a rotating molecule, and high energy combustion reactions. Applications are to atmospheric and combustion chemistry, and to theory of the spatial aspects of velocities and angular momenta in gas-phase reactions.

Recent Publications

H.M. Lambert, Tucker Carrington, S.V. Filseth and C.M. Sadowski. Cross Sections and Energy Disposal for CN (X) Produced in the H + HCN Reaction at 53 and 58 Kcal/mole Collision Energies. J. Phys. Chem. 128, (1993).

Fei, H.M. Lambert, Tucker Carrington, S.V. Filseth, C.M. Sadowski and C.H. Dugan. Direct Measurement of Thermal Rate Constants for State to State Rotational Energy Transfer in Collisions of CN (X 2Σ+, v=2, N) with He. J. Chem. Phys. 100 1190, (1994).

Brouard, H.M. Lambert, J. Short and J.P. Simons. Product State Resolved Stereo dynamics of the Reaction O(1D) + CH4 → OH + CH3. J. Phys. Chem. 99 13571, (1995).

Brouard, H.M. Lambert, C.L. Russell, J. Short, J.P. Simons.  Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics of Persistent Collision Complexes . Faraday Discussions 102 179, (1995).

Mark Lambert and Paul J. Dagdigian.  Photodissociation of Vibrationally Excited CH3Cl: Modification of the Dissociation Dynamics . Chem. Phys. Lett. 275 499, (1997).

Mark Lambert, Paul J. Dagdigian and Millard H. Alexander.  Spin Orbit Branching in the Photofragmentation of HCl at Long Wavelengths. J. Chem. Phys. 108 4460, (1998).

L.M. Dobeck, H.M. Lambert, W. Kong, P.J. Pisano, and P.L. Houston.  H 2 Production in the 440 nm Photodissociation of Glyoxal , J. Phys. Chem. A. 103 10312, (1999).

Gómez, H.M. Lambert and P.L. Houston.  The 193 nm Photodissociation of NCO, J. Phys. Chem. A. 105 6342, (2001).

H.M. Lambert, A.A. Dixit, E.W. Davis, and P.L. Houston.  Quantum Yields for Product Formation in the 120-133 nm Photodissociation of O2 , J. Chem. Phys. 121 10437 (2004).

H.M. Lambert, E.W. Davis, Onur Tokel, A.A. Dixit, and P.L. Houston. Photodissociative Channels for N2O near 130 nm Studied by Product Imaging, J. Chem. Phys. 122 174304 (2005).