Dr. James Wood

Assistant Professor of Religion and Theology

Phone: (905) 648-2131   Ext:4293

Email: jwood619@redeemer.ca

Office: 128A

Programs: Mission and Ministry, Urban Ministry, Youth Ministry


Ph. D. (2023), Theology, University of Toronto
Dissertation: The Sacrament and the Secular: The Sociopolitical Significance of Henri de Lubac’s Sacramental Ecclesiology in a Post-Christian World

Th.M. (2018), Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary

M.Div. (2015), Reformed Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas

B.B.A. (2007), Finance, University of Texas


James R. Wood previously worked as an associate editor at First Things Magazine, a PCA pastor in Austin, TX, and a campus evangelist and team leader with Cru Ministries at the University of Texas at Austin. He is married to Clare, and they have four daughters. He and Clare love to host others in their home, share meals, and talk about all things serious and trivial. His girls will want to play dress up and introduce you to their bunny rabbit.

Research Interests

  • Mission in a post-Christian context
  • Political theology
  • Ecclesiology
  • Sacramental theology
  • Ecumenical theology
  • Augustine
  • John Calvin
  • John Nevin
  • Neo-Calvinism
  • Nouvelle Théologie/Communio theology
  • P.J. Hoedemaker
  • Karl Barth
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Thomas F. Torrance

Research Funding

Mary H. Beatty Fellowship (2021-2022)

Select Publications

Review of Bavinck: A Critical Biography, by James Eglinton. Religious Studies Review 47, no. 3. (2021)

“Calvin’s Complex Ecumenism.” Ad Fontes: A Journal of Protestant Letters 5, no. 4. (Summer 2021).

“Christ’s Body is One: Resources for Reformed Catholicity in John W. Nevin’s Incarnational Ecclesiology.” Journal of Reformed Theology 14, no. 1-2 (2020): 73-99.

“Leaven without Loss: Church and World across Balthasar’s Corpus.” Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology 29, no. 3 (2020): 308-335.

Popular Publications

“Calvinism 2.0” First Things

“Not Augustinian Enough: A Review Essay on Biblical Critical TheoryMere Orthodoxy

“Ordering Our Social Loves” Ad Fontes

“Can the Church Still Speak?” Comment