Dr. Jason N. Yuh

Assistant Professor of Religion and Theology

Phone: (905) 648-2139   Ext:4403

Email: jyuh@redeemer.ca

Office: 128C

Programs: Biblical and Theological Studies, Mission and Ministry, Urban Ministry, Youth Ministry


Ph.D. (2024), New Testament and Early Christianity, University of Toronto.
Dissertation: “The Dialectic of Tradition and Innovation in the Didache through Ritual.”

M.Div. (2015), Westminster Theological Seminary.

B.Sc. (2005), Drexel University.
Major: Information Science and Technology (minor in Business)


  • The Drama of Scripture (REL-110)
  • Theological Interpretation of the Bible (REL-201)
  • New Testament Studies: The Gospels and Acts (REL-326)
  • Old Testament Studies: The Pentateuch (REL-324)
  • New Testament Studies: The Pauline Epistles (REL-327)


Dr. Yuh specializes in a variety of texts of the New Testament and early Christianity, utilizing a myriad of methods and theories (e.g., neuroscience, epigraphical and papyrological data, memory studies, etc.). His dissertation studies the rituals of the Didache within the dialectic of tradition and innovation. Accordingly, he has examined the rituals of almsgiving, baptism, prayer, fasting, eucharist, firstfruits, and confession not only through the perspective of early Christianity, but also through comparative (especially early Jewish and Graeco-Roman practices), ritual, sociological, anthropological, and other studies. 

His research is influenced by the conviction that “all things are held” by Jesus Christ–these fascinating findings exist by, through, and for Christ (Col 1:15-17). He also served as an ordained, lead pastor for the past five years and worked in software development/product management prior to seminary. Above all, he is convicted that his greatest calling is to be a Christ-saturated husband and father to his wife and three children.

Research Interests

  • New Testament
  • Early Judaism and Early Christianity
  • Graeco-Roman and ancient Mediterranean Religions
  • Tradition and Innovation
  • Rituals Studies
  • Literary Canon and Canonical Interpretation
  • Comparative Studies
  • Sociology and Anthropology of Religion
  • Method and Theory in the Study of Religion

Recent Publications

Journal Articles

“Tracing One Aspect of the Process(es) of Communal Identity Construction of the Didache through Baptism and Ritual Innovation,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 30.4 (2022): 475-503.

“Abandonment and Absenteeism in the Letter to the Hebrews, and Methodological Guidelines on Comparing Documentary Texts with Literary Writings,” Journal of Biblical Literature 138.4 (2019): 863-882.

“Do as I Say, Not as They Do: Social Construction in the Epistle of Barnabas Through Canonical Interpretation and Ritual,” Harvard Theological Review 112.3 (2019): 279-95.

“Analysing Paul’s Reference to Baptism in Galatians 3.27 through Studies of Memory, Embodiment and Ritual,” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 41.4 (2019): 478-500.

Books (Edited)

Kingdom Manifesto: Meditations on the Gospel of Matthew. Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church, and Culture. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2021.