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44 results found

Are faith and reason contrary ways of knowing? What is real? What do we really know? What should we value? How should we live? And what connects things? These are the...

What does it mean to love God with our whole mind? Ever wonder why you do what you do — and what you can do to improve? Psychology at Redeemer studies the whole person...

How do we understand the teachings of the Bible in a modern context? Deepen your understanding of the Christian faith and life by exploring its Biblical roots, theological...

How has Christianity's role in society developed over time? Discover and interpret patterns of human social life, how societies work, and why people act, think, and believe...

How do we disciple the next generation in times of rapid technological and cultural change? Develop the character and skills to mentor and influence youth through ministry....

How does a Christian faithfully engage the study of living organisms? From molecules to human bodies to ecosystems: investigate the complexity, diversity and intricacy of...

What is the role of a chemist in a world that God created? The study of chemistry is so much more than just understanding the nature of matter; it also includes creating new...

How do we develop God's world with care? As we look at the world around us, it's alarmingly evident that humanity faces significant environmental challenges that are complex,...

How does spiritual well-being impact a person's overall health? Focus on the scientific background of health sciences with courses in biology, chemistry and psychology to...

What does human movement tell us about the whole person made in the image of God? Optimize health and performance and prevent injury and illness by understanding human...