Executive Summary of the Chemistry Department Review (Fall 2018)
In summer 2017 the Chemistry Department completed a self-study and was reviewed by a committee of two external members and one internal professor at Redeemer University in Fall 2017. In addition to the formal written review, the committee conducted an on-site visit with full-time faculty, students and various members of Redeemer’s administration.
The external committee was impressed with the Chemistry and Biochemistry Programs and pointed several times to their dedication to solid pedagogy, learning opportunities and overt attention to creating research opportunities for students. They also noted new and exciting initiatives in the area of Biochemistry and suggest that this could be a hallmark for recruitment possibilities at the university.
While the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program is small, the groundwork has been laid to create programs which should attract students and serve them well. The external committee has made some suggestions for future successes in the program. Overall the external review committee gives a very positive report on faculty, courses offered, course sequencing, pedagogy, course outcomes and affirms a solid program. The key recommendations are in regard to A. adding technical staff support B. further development of Project-Based learning and lab experiences; C. additional library access for research projects; D. recruitment potential. In all cases, the faculty have addressed concerns in their implementation timeline.