Executive Summary Report for the review of the Psychology program – 2023/2024
As part of Redeemer’s institutional quality assurance process, the Psychology faculty completed a Self‐Study Report of the Psychology programs in summer 2023. A review team composed of two external and one internal reviewer performed a visit over several dates in November 2023, meeting with students, faculty, and relevant support staff and senior administration. The review team submitted a final External Reviewers’ Report on December 13, 2023.
The review of the psychology program highlights significant strengths, including its large enrollment, comprehensive course offerings, and esteemed Honours degree stream. Additionally, the well-crafted Program Learning Outcomes encompass theoretical, scientific, and experiential domains, integrating Christian perspectives. Opportunities for improvement include refining the mission statement, clarifying the curriculum and foci, developing additional courses like Research Methods, and enhancing learning outcomes. Recommendations also suggest raising entrance and continuance requirements for the Honours program. These proposed changes aim to better align the program with its core values and objectives, enhancing the academic experience for students.
Based on their Response, approved on May 6, 2024, the Psychology faculty and Redeemer administration have carefully considered the External Reviewers’ Report and prepared a concrete plan, with a timeline, to strengthen the program in response to the recommendations. This plan has been approved by the Academic Quality Assurance Committee and Redeemer’s Senate.